
chaos  /ˈkeɪɒs/

1. complete disorder and confusion

2. an opportunity for newness.

Hi there,

I'm Jerry Florez.

— I'm an artist and designer who loves helping others piece meaningful narratives together, and bringing these to life, visually.

Nice to meet you.

I can help with

Brand Strategy.

Identity Design.

Art Direction.


I built this website too.
Need a hand?

Here's some work I prepared earlier.

Designing to convey blurred boundaries and our constantly changing, shape-shifting world. 


Designing to convey blurred boundaries and our constantly changing, shape-shifting world. 


Designing to convey blurred boundaries and our constantly changing, shape-shifting world. 

A modular identity design to unify Academia's body of work.


A modular identity design to unify Academia's body of work.


A modular identity design to unify Academia's body of work.

Defining a small jewellery business's brand identity and strategy.


Defining a small jewellery business's brand identity and strategy.


Defining a small jewellery business's brand identity and strategy.

An identity design for the London School of Architecture's end of year degree show.

Close To Home

An identity design for the London School of Architecture's end of year degree show.

Close To Home

An identity design for the London School of Architecture's end of year degree show.

An experimental, hands-on approach to design.


An experimental, hands-on approach to design.


Defining a small jewellery business's brand identity and strategy.





How do we create a more meaningful world?

Whatever that might mean.

In our contemporary world, fast-paced and mass-produced — what makes an object, an image, a building, meaningful to us?
And how do we convey to others such passion for what we stand for?

Making an effort to resonate with an audience through thoughtful details makes all the difference.

I thrive in helping creative businesses understand themselves through a personal and collaborative process, and an artistic approach.

The answers to every question take many shapes and forms, from a brand identity, to bespoke benches or photographic campaigns — but they often piece together meaningful narratives.

Very big questions; many possible answers, and just as many solutions.

everything relates to everything relates to everything relates to everything relates to everything relates to everything relates to everything